A CSA works by paying the farm, before the season starts, an up front fee. A Stoney Acres share costs 460 for 20 weeks of vegetables - which comes out to twenty three bucks a week, and boy, do you get your money's worth of gorgeous, delicious organic food. The up front fee means that you share in both the rewards (in the form of aformentioned gorgeous delicious food), and the risks (the risk that some of the almost-gorgeous crops fail). Still, its worth it in every way.
Just to show what an average week looks like, I took pictures as I was un-packing this week's box. Let the drooling and nommage begin. (Yeah, some of the pics could be less motion blurred. :P)
Garlic scapes - looking forward to chicken sauteed with these.
Another nice blurry one. But look how nice that brocolli is!
And a really nice big bunch of carrots...
And last but not least a cute little bag of peas. OM NOM NOM NOM.
So that's an example week of a CSA share from Stoney Acres Farm. I can't recommend it enough!
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