Thursday, September 05, 2013

Movie theater seats, pt.2

So we got a little (hey, my husband is still recovering from pneumonia!) done on the movie theater seats.  Basically we got them put in the right spot on the plywood and marked the holes where the bolts will go.

They look much better sitting up, I think.

I marked all the holes for the bolts.  We're going to be using tapered head 1/4" x 1.5" machine screws.  Hopefully tomorrow we'll get to the drilling and countersinking stage; then we have to glue the carpet on the top, cut the holes through, glue the carpet on the back, make sure the holes also go through that, put the bolts in, and put the seats on the bolts.  So a LOT yet to be done.  Still, a little progress is better than none!

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